Customs handling

Customs handling is an important part of the transport chain, whether you are an importer or an exporter. In order for a cross-border transport to go smoothly, we, as an AEO-certified company, offer a quick and efficient handling of all customs matters. All of our routines are certified by the Customs and we are connected to the Customs data system (TDS).

Thanks to our long experience, we offer customized solutions for each individual customer. Our staff is constantly updated on the Customs Act's laws and regulations that are changing.

If you have any inquiries regarding customs related questions, do not hesitate to contact any of our staff at the customs department.


We can assist you with all kinds of import-related customs documents, regardless of whether the goods is imported by sea, air, car or rail - we have solutions for everyone. If the importer is missing a credit account at the Swedish Customs then there is the possibility of utilizing AB PJ Haegerstrand's credit.

  • Import declarations (DNU, DNK)
  • Simplified import declarations (HNU, HNK)
  • Customs warehouse (Bonded)
  • Summary entry declaration (SID / ENS)
  • Import licenses
  • Quota applications
  • Scrapping applications
  • FLEGT management
  • Inward processing
  • Outward processing
  • Temporary import


When exporting goods, we assist you with customs handling and can act as an authorized exporter, which means a simplified procedure in the form of smoother procedures for all types of transport.

  • Export declaration (UGE, UFF)
  • Simplified exports (ALE)
  • Transits
  • T2L
  • ATA Carnet
  • Re-export
  • Issuing of certificates (Certificate of Origin, EUR1 certificate, Phytosanitary certificates etc.)

Customs warehouse (Bonded warehouse)

As an importer you can through bonded warehouses improve your company's cash flow and we can ensure that customs warehouses are located and administered on site. VAT and duties on goods are not invoiced until the day the goods are to be delivered.

If you receive goods on transits on a regular basis, we as a representative can close these documents directly on your customs warehouse to avoid an extra transshipment, handling and cost at another approved terminal.

When goods cross the EU border and for any reason when the goods cannot be cleared directly, we can start a transit and transfer it to a customs warehouse at your site or ours.

If you have a new supplier or new product to import and you are unsure of the quality, we can put the goods on customs warehouse for inspection. Then you decide whether the goods should be re-exported, customs cleared or scrapped.

There are many advantages of customs warehouses and we adapt a solution to your needs.
Through our website you can log in and see your inventory balance in a simple way.

  • Customs warehouse declaration (standard declaration)
  • Transits
  • Warehousing
  • Duty-free installation area for customs control or inspection
  • Repacking on customs warehouses


Today's society places great demands on companies that import and export:

If you, as a company, want to ensure that you handle your customs handling as you should and ensure that you pay the correct customs fees, etc., it is important with the expertise and staffing that prioritize these customs issues.

We as agents assist you with both consultation and staffing in case of high pressure and holiday periods.

  • Import licenses
  • Quota Applications
  • FLEGT management
  • Classification
  • Binding tariff classifications (BKB)
  • Customs permit applications
  • Assistance in customs auditing
  • Other issues with the Swedish Customs Authorities

Fredrik Lindqvist

026-66 40 73

Contact us

Do you have any questions? Feel free to reach out to us; we look forward to your call.

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